# Welcome to RCSB PDB Data API: GraphiQL interface
# GraphiQL is an in-browser tool for writing, validating, and
# testing GraphQL queries.
# Type queries into this side of the screen, and you will see intelligent
# typeaheads aware of the RCSB PDB GraphQL type schema and live syntax and
# validation errors highlighted within the text.
# The "Docs" link on top right allows to browse the schema and its
# documentation.
# GraphQL queries typically start with a "{" character. Lines that starts
# with a # are ignored.
# An example GraphQL query retrieving data at the PDB entry level would be:
# {
# entry(entry_id: "4HHB") {
# struct {
# title
# }
# }
# }
# Keyboard shortcuts:
# Run Query: Ctrl-Enter (or press the play button above)
# Auto Complete: Ctrl-Space (or just start typing)
# This tool is useful for prototyping and getting a feeling of how to construct
# queries and to understand the schema. To use programmatically you can POST
# your requests under the /graphql endpoint.